Hormones May Be the Reason You Can’t Reach Your Weight Loss Goal

Does your weight loss goal feel like the most difficult thing you’ve ever tried to accomplish? If so, you’re not alone. Many women try to lose weight and fail. They become frustrated and give up because they can’t seem to get anywhere. At Kennebec Pharmacy, we want to help you achieve your goals. More importantly, we want to help you live a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Learn how to set a realistic weight lost goal.

It’s okay to set weight loss goals, but if your goal is not realistic, you’re going to become frustrated. A realistic weight loss goal will be: 

  • Specific. Make sure your specific goal is measurable and attainable. Start small, and work your way up to larger goals.
  • Based on your expectations. Be honest with yourself. Are you trying to be who you want to be, or are you trying to live up to someone else’s expectations?
  • Positive. Keep your goals positive. A negative goal, such as “Don’t eat after 6 pm,” will set you up for failure and disappointment. Reword your goals so they have a positive spin. “Drink a glass of water after supper” is a better way to keep your mind focused on good habits.

Do you have a realistic weight loss goal, and you still can’t make any progress? It might not be your fault.

Hormone imbalances can cause weight gain.

Hormones are made by one part of your body, and they travel to another part to help your body function properly. They are like tiny messengers inside your system. Frequently, hormones become unbalanced, and you can have either too few or too much. They aren’t doing their jobs properly, making it harder for the different parts of your body to function correctly. You could be doing all the right things to lose weight, but your hormones are working against you, so you end up struggling to lose weight. In fact, you could actually gain weight because of imbalanced hormones.

Check out these facts about a few of the hormones that play an important role in your goal to lose weight.

  • Estrogen. Women around the ages of 35-50 may have elevated levels of estrogen. Unbalanced estrogen levels can lead to weight gain and the inability to lose weight, even when you are eating properly and exercising.
  • Cortisol. This is known as the stress hormone. Too much stress and too much cortisol can cause sleeplessness, brain fog, and rapid weight gain. Trying to fight stress with strenuous exercise? That might actually raise your cortisol levels. Walking or yoga is a better alternative for those with elevated cortisol.
  • Testosterone. Low levels of this hormone are associated with depression and weight gain around the waist.
  • Progesterone. Low levels of progesterone can lead to weight gain, anxiety, irritability and sleeplessness. If you’re not sleeping enough regularly, you could be on the road to more serious illnesses, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and lowered immunity.
  • Thyroid. Depression, anxiety, weight gain, and fatigue are all symptoms of low thyroid levels. Also, too much estrogen and cortisol can lead to thyroid disorder.

Ailments and diseases associated with low or imbalanced hormone levels include osteoporosis, heart disease, dementia, insulin resistance, fibroids, anxiety, low libido, and bladder issues. 

Think you might have a hormonal imbalance?

If you suspect you might be struggling with a hormone imbalance, there are at-home test kits to check your hormone levels. You can talk to our Women’s Health Pharmacist to find a test that’s right for you, and then we’ll review your test results, so you can discuss it with your doctor.

Keep in mind that your goal is to balance your hormones, so your body can function properly. One of the positive results of balanced hormones can be weight loss. 

Self-love and gratitude are important aspects of your weight loss goals.

Strive to lose weight out of love for yourself. Your body and your health are important to you, so make self-care a top priority in your goals. This will help you feel better, set better goals, and make better choices. Instead of trying to create a body image that you think others will admire, try to be comfortable with who you are.

Practice gratitude to improve your overall attitude. In this way, you may realize that a goal of getting more sleep every night will help you achieve your weight loss goals because you’ll have more energy to be active during the day. Perhaps you’ll take time to do activities you love, and then you’ll feel less depressed, which could lead to better eating habits. 

When you love yourself, you’re going to make wiser goals that will benefit your body, not work against it. Whether you’re figuring out how to balance your hormones, or you’re trying to be thankful for your small achievements in weight loss, we’re here to support you. Visit Kennebec Pharmacy for more helpful information concerning women’s health.

Suggested at-home test kits:

  • Saliva Test
  • Weight Management Saliva and Blood Spot Test
  • Essential Thyroid Profile Blood Spot Test