Beyond Testosterone: the Science Behind Female Sexual Enhancement

This week we’re going to be focusing on different compounded products designed for female sexual enhancement. While it’s important to balance your hormone levels in order to promote your body’s optimal functioning, hormone regulation isn’t always the answer for every woman. It is essential to understand the effects of the traditionally “male” hormones in our physiology, namely androgens like DHEA and testosterone

DHEA and testosterone are important because of their relationship to sex drive. A lack of sex drive is unfortunately a very common complaint that many women have. However, even with the addition of DHEA/testosterone, many women still have difficulty reaching their climax. Fortunately, female sexual enhancement isn’t solely tied to androgen levels. The use of compounded oxytocin and other types of medications can have a much more dramatic effect on your performance —and your sexual fulfillment.

The importance of oxytocin.

Let’s talk about oxytocin. Oxytocin is commonly known by its nickname, the love hormone. Many of you have first-hand experience with oxytocin via labor and the birthing process. Oxytocin is a nonapeptide which is a peptide consisting of nine amino acids. Produced in the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland, oxytocin is best known for initiating and promoting uterine contractions and is critical for inducing labor. Oxytocin is also released during milk let down, as it helps express milk from the lactating mother’s breasts.

Oxytocin is also known as a bonding or cuddle hormone. It has been shown to create a profoundly calming effect across the entire body. Oxytocin is responsible for:

  • Increasing trust and emotional bonding 
  • Reducing blood pressure 
  • Increasing pain tolerance 
  • Decreasing inflammation 
  • Promoting orgasms 

Oxytocin is released through touching, hugging, and most prominently during orgasm. Its utility extends from labor induction to use with autistic children who have difficulty bonding with others. Oxytocin also is used to reduce the pain associated with fibromyalgia, and it is critical in promoting positive social behaviors as well as trust between partners.

Given its role in promoting orgasm, oxytocin can have profound sexual effects. Using oxytocin in a nasal spray, cream, gel, or troche form can: 

  • Make it easier for women to climax 
  • Decrease the time necessary to reach climax 
  • Increase the intensity of the orgasm 
  • Increase the likelihood of multiple orgasms 

Kennebec Pharmacy & Home Care specializes in compounding oxytocin products as they cannot be otherwise obtained commercially. We have had great feedback from our female clientele. Those testimonials, in turn, give hope to other women looking for sexual enhancement alternatives to androgen use. While there are no known side effects from using oxytocin as a sexual enhancement product, it should be noted that these compounds are not intended for use by pregnant women.

Useful alternatives to oxytocin.

Androgens and oxytocin aren’t the only available alternatives. Other common products include: 

  • Sildenafil creams 
  • Arginine creams 
  • Aminophylline 
  • Papaverine

Arginine, also known as (L)-arginine, is an amino acid used in the production of nitric oxide. Like the commercial product, Viagra ® (sildenafil citrate), which operates via a different delivery mechanism, the enhancement of your body’s nitric oxide levels through arginine use helps to relax blood vessels, which in turn increase blood flow. 

The other substances listed can be used in an off-label capacity as well. Although it is typically used as a bronchodilator, aminophylline works to relax blood vessels when used topically and fills a similar role as DHEA. Papaverine, on the other hand, is a vasodilator that increases blood flow by expanding blood vessels. Regardless of which product your doctor prescribes, there are a number of non-androgen alternatives available to you. 

There are also compounded sildenafil citrate creams available on the market. They function in a similar capacity to the male version of Viagra®, also known as sildenafil citrate. Although these creams may not work for every woman, many women have had great success using sildenafil, and they refill their prescriptions on a regular basis. Typically, these creams are applied to the clitoral area for 2 weeks then 30 minutes prior to intercourse as needed.

Moving beyond DHEA and testosterone.

Modern medicine is about meeting your body’s physical needs in a way that adheres to your personal values. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, modern women have a suite of options available to them which extend beyond typical DHEA and testosterone use. Although it’s important to have balanced hormones as well as a balanced emotional state to promote a healthy sexual response, it’s great to know that women now have additional options.