Anti-wrinkle Cream

I am extremely excited about this blog topic! For years I’ve meant to research the use of topical estriol as an anti-wrinkle cream. I think that I put the cosmetic factor of hormones aside to focus on the relief of symptoms and the systemic benefits they provide for men and women. I knew that estriol is being used all over the world for its applications in the field of dermatology. This includes not only as an anti-wrinkle source, but for its use in scars and acne as well.

Anyone who has been to one of my seminars or who has perhaps researched the topic themselves is aware that estrogen does have a lot to do with our skins’ quality. With aging, the skin becomes thin and dry. It loses its thickness, firmness, collagen and elasticity. Wrinkles develop and we think there is nothing we can do about it beyond Botox or cosmetic surgery.

The material presented here is based off of different studies. One study showed that women who were using oral estrogen replacement therapy had a skin collagen content 48% higher than those women who did not supplement with HRT. Other studies showed that topical estrogens used to treat the skin, were comparable to those using systemic replacement.

Now remember, we have 3 natural estrogens: estrone, estradiol and estriol. The following results focus mainly on estradiol and in particular, estriol. Estradiol is our main estrogen that can relieve your hot flashes, night sweats, and other bothersome menopausal symptoms. It also will protect your bones, heart and brain among a few things. Estriol, however, does not have these protective effects, but is considered a low-potency, positive estrogen. Estriol has been linked to being protective against breast cancer and works well in combination with estradiol or alone for vaginal dryness/atrophy.

There was a study comparing topical estradiol to estriol on the facial skin of aging women. Tests were later done on the skins’ hydration, firmness, elasticity, pore size and wrinkle depth. After 6 months, pore size and wrinkle depth decreased from 61 to 100% in both groups. Overall skin effects for the categories showed that estriol was superior and no hormonal side effects were noted with facial application of estriol. This is fantastic news, especially for those who are concerned about using estrogen systemically or those, such as many of you, who are already supplementing with Bio-identical hormones.

Kennebec Pharmacy & Home Care can compound topical facial estriol cream in a non- comedogenic base. I for one, am going to get a prescription for myself for estriol facial cream! I am very optimistic about the research I have always heard about and never presented to you until now. If anyone is interested in learning more about the dosing and usage, or need help obtaining a prescription, please email me at