Top 10 Reasons to Consider Bio-Identical Hormones

Hormones are our constant companions. We know of at least 200 hormones that act within our body, influencing everything from our moods and thoughts to our digestion, sleep, and even appearance. Virtually everything we do is influenced by hormones—and not always for the good. Women are all too familiar with the havoc that hormonal changes can wreak on our bodies and emotions, challenges that often increase with age.

Most people simply know estrogen as the female sex hormone. However, few people realize that estrogen is responsible for far more than menstruation and reproduction, and that changes in estrogen levels can have far-reaching consequences. For instance, although estrogen is often called a “sex hormone,” it also influences cholesterol levels, bone health, mood, and more. In fact, after being released from the ovaries, estrogen travels throughout the entire body, affecting everything from the brain down. That means that low estrogen levels can seriously affect our overall health and wellbeing. And when we age, it’s not just estrogen levels that decrease—it’s also progesterone and testosterone (yes, women have it), among others—so the symptoms of age-related hormone changes can be dramatic.

What are bio-identical hormones?

Although they can be troublesome, the symptoms of hormonal changes don’t have to be permanent. Hormone replacement therapy involves taking the missing hormones in the form of a pill, patch, gel, or other supplement, raising hormone levels and alleviating symptoms of menopause. Bio-identical hormones, more specifically, are those that most closely mimic the structure of natural human hormones.

Taking bio-identical hormones can be a natural way to improve your quality of life if you’re suffering hormone-related symptoms.

Here are 10 of the best reasons to consider beginning bio-identical hormone replacement therapy:

10. Eyesight

Cataracts and Macular Degeneration (MD) are estrogen-related diseases. One study showed that women who experienced menopause earlier in life had a 90% increased risk of developing symptoms of age-related macular degeneration later in life as compared to women who underwent menopause at an older age. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can help keep estrogen levels stable and may protect against certain visual conditions.

9. Skin & Complexion

Estrogen affects skin at every layer, contributing to skin’s elasticity, moisture and collagen levels. When estrogen levels decline, the aging skin on your face is affected more than other areas of your body. Estrogen supplementation has been shown to delay skin aging, minimizing the effect of menopause on your skin’s look and feel.

8. Weight Loss

Excess estrogen in perimenopause or unbalanced estrogen in menopause can cause weight gain or make it more difficult to lose Estrogen works alongside other hormones to help regulate metabolism. Estrogen imbalances, whether excess estrogen in perimenopause or low estrogen in menopause, can cause weight gain or make it more difficult to lose weight. Bio-identical hormones address hormone imbalances, which may be implicated in stubborn weight gain.

7. Enhanced Libido

Although estrogen is the primary female sex hormone, women also have (and need) testosterone, which influences libido and mood. Abnormally low testosterone levels can cause women to lose their sex drive and experience less enjoyment when they do have sex. In other words, addressing problems with hormone levels can also help with problems you’re having in the bedroom.

6. Bone HEALTH

The loss of estrogen at the time of menopause is associated with an accelerated bone loss. Low DHEA levels are associated with The loss of estrogen at the time of menopause is associated with an accelerated bone loss and an increased incidence of osteoporosis. Low DHEA levels are associated with an increased rate of fractures, and the bone-building effects of testosterone are well-documented. Keeping hormones in balance may promote bone health and prevent common problems that come with age.

5. Memory & Cognitive Function

For many women, a hormonal imbalance often causes memory loss or mind fog. It may also leave you at greater risk of cognitive issues such as dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, so it’s important to keep hormones in balance when possible. Dr. Dale Bredesen, MD, of the Mary Easton Center for Alzheimer’s disease Research illustrated the importance of hormones in neurological dysfunction in a study of women experiencing memory loss. His study showed reversal of memory loss in nearly all patients within three to six months of following a program that included hormone therapy.

4. Heart Health

Hormone loss can also be linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that if estrogen is initiated within 10 years of menopause there is a 60% reduction in coronary calcification, a 50% reduction in cardiovascular events, and a 35% reduction in overall mortality (including cancer). Bio-identical hormones may be one way to promote heart health, in light of these results.

3. Lowered Risk of Breast Cancer

Studies show that “natural progesterone with estrogens confers less or even no risk of breast cancer as opposed to the use of other synthetic progestins.” Bio-identical hormones are identical in structure and function to our body’s hormones, so some women prefer them as a natural alternative to synthetic hormones.

2. Quality of Life

In addition to decreasing the chance of the severe health issues described above, hormone therapy also has general benefits for wellbeing. Since hormone imbalances have such diverse symptoms, bio-identical hormones may help you get rid of hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, weight gain, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, and low libido, dramatically improving quality of life across multiple domains.

And the #1 reason to consider hormone replacement…
1. For the safety of those around you!

Well, technically, it’s unlikely that you’re a real danger to those around you. But if you have just one of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, you’ve likely become a less pleasant version of yourself, let alone multiple symptoms! Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy can help you feel like yourself again, which benefits both you and everyone around you.

Get started with bio-identical hormone therapy

Bio-Identical hormone therapy is a natural way to help your body regain its natural balance. If you are experiencing symptoms of hormonal balance, consult with Kennebec Pharmacy to learn how hormone therapy can start you on the path to better health.

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